Help - vsnp2uvc.exe Vsnp2uvc |
Purpose of vsnp2uvc.exe:
vsnp2uvc.exe task purpose and description: vsnp2uvc.exe is a file which may have been installed on your system by you or installed with another program or package. The actual hard drive location and folder is also listed below for you, as you can always verify where its located on your hard drive, as this makes sure it is not spyware, adware, or virus related. Sometimes the spyware or virus writers simply place a similiar or same named file elsewhere on your computer hoping to fool you into thinking the rogue software is a good software module instead. This vsnp2uvc.exe file is from Lenovo and it is part of their camera driver software. If you are not using their camera and are concerned you may have spyware or a virus, simply remove this file from your startup list as it will be in your startup list to run whenever you reboot. I personally do not like strange named files placed in my windows or system32 folder, and that is one of the reasons I created this website, normally any strange named file like this I will remove from my startup so I have minimal programs running. Your camera should still work fine as it should startup what it needs when you run it. This file is considered safe and is not virus or spyware related. (See the details below for the actual location of this file.) Actual process or task name: (You can view alphabetical task list here) File type: Where is this file and folder located on my computer?