Help - tcpsvcs.exe Tcpsvcs |
Purpose of tcpsvcs.exe:
tcpsvcs.exe task purpose and description: This tcpsvcs.exe file may have been on your computer when you purchased, but may have been installed by you at one time. The exactly disk and folder location is also shown below for you, so you can verify this file is in the right location and is not virus, adware, or spyware related in any way. Writers of spyware and adware will often use similiar or like names, and then place those files in other locations in an attempt to fool you into thinking it is a good file. This tcpsvcs.exe software file is part of the windows tcpip networking software, although there is also a virus that can affect this. The virus was reported by Symnatec as the Backdoor.EggHead virus including tcpsvcs.exe. The simple way to fix this is to update your virus detection software and scan the hard drive, and it will find and clean this. Note that if the tcpsvcs.exe file is consuming 100% cpu, that doesn't mean you have the virus. That simply means you have a file consuming alot of cpu and most just delete the task and its gone, but there is a bug in the older tcpip software that can cause high cpu usage. You should remove this if you have the virus of course, but otherwise this is a safe file. Other files like Services.exe, Pskill.exe, and other files reported by Symantec will also be present if you have the virus, but you should run your virus software to confirm and fix this if necessary. (See the details below for the actual location of this file.) Actual process or task name: (You can view alphabetical task list here) File type: Where is this file and folder located on my computer?