Help - secure.exe Secure |
Purpose of secure.exe:
secure.exe task purpose and description: secure.exe is a program file which was most likely installed by you. The exact disk location is also shown below to verfiy it is not spyware, as many spyware programs use similiar names and just locate them elsewhere on your hard drive. Always check the proper disk location of your programs if you are suspicious. This file is from a program called "files secure". Files Secure is a rogue program and has been reported by many as a virus and trojan. It runs with a timer loop in the background and continually displays messages that say "Your system is infected!" and is a major nuissance. Action should be taken to eliminate this. I recommend booting is safe mode and deleting the entire "files secure" folder for starters. You must be in safe mode to do this, if you do not feel comfortable deleting files then simply rename all of them in the folder (just name them secure2.exe, etc.). Since this program involves many different files, you should use your antivirus program to eliminate it, action should be taken as soon as possible to get rid of it, but you can start by using the techniques I listed to stop this virus from running. (See the details below for the actual location of this file.) Actual process or task name: (You can view alphabetical task list here) File type: Where is this file and folder located on my computer?