Help - sdra64.exe Sdra64 |
Purpose of sdra64.exe:
sdra64.exe task purpose and description: sdra64.exe is a program which would have arrived on your computer without you ever knowing it. The exact disk location where it should be stored on your computer is also shown below to verfiy it is not spyware, as many spyware programs use similiar names and just locate them elsewhere on your hard drive. Always check the proper disk location of your programs if you are concerned that they may be spyware or malware. This program is from the Zeus virus. Action should be taken immediately to remove sdra64.exe software. This executes via the Winlogon.exe program, and this trojan will send details to remote websites as Zeus is a very bad virus that needs to be removed. It appears on your system via fake advertisement links, which take advantages of windows flaws to embed the virus or spyware on your system. Reports are that the data is being sent to Russia and Malaysia, so not much can be done to stop this compromising activity. You may also find a folder named wsnpoem in your windows path. Always verify your system startup for unusual names by checking registry keys at Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Userinit and Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run (See the details below for the actual location of this file.) Actual process or task name: (You can view alphabetical task list here) File type: Where is this file and folder located on my computer?