Help - msn.exe Msn |
Purpose of msn.exe:
msn.exe task purpose and description: Msn.exe is a file which would have been installed by you and would not have ever arrived as preinstalled software on the computer. The actual hard drive folder is also listed below, always verify where its located on your hard drive, as this makes sure it is not spyware, adware, or virus related and simply placed elsewhere on your computer, and using the same name in an attempt to fool you. This Msn.exe software file is from Microsoft, and was originally known as the msn explorer and also a version of MSN messenger back before the name became live messenger. This was simply an all in one free utility program simliar to the free AOL client program which anyone can use today. Both contained email software, IM and news and shopping information all in one handy interface. However there has also been trojans and virus programs that have copied this msn.exe name. If you have this running and do not have the MSN client software installed that you are using, then you may have the virus or trojan version. This software is considered safe, and is not considered trojan, spyware, or virus related software ... however keep in mind that there are trojans that have copied this name and can be installed in various random locations. (See the details below for the actual location of this file.) Actual process or task name: (You can view alphabetical task list here) File type: Where is this file and folder located on my computer?