Help - delta.dll Delta |
Purpose of delta.dll:
delta.dll task purpose and description: delta.dll is a program file which most likely was installed by you at some time and would not have been preinstalled software. The exact disk location is also shown below to verfiy it is not spyware, as many spyware programs use similiar names and just locate them elsewhere on your hard drive. Always check the proper disk location of your programs if you are suspicious. This delta.dll software program's main purpose is to run as a BHO in your web browser and it changes browser settings and is adware related. This is a search toolbar and can run in IE, Firefox or Chrome. If you have a BHO remover or disabler (like Complete Cleanup) then you can use that to remove this. I would definitely remove this file if it was on my computer, always be aware of what is running as BHO's in your browser. Note that it may also change your start page to Conduit so your browser start page would be (See the details below for the actual location of this file.) Actual process or task name: (You can view alphabetical task list here) File type: Where is this file and folder located on my computer?