Help - bae.dll Bae |
Purpose of bae.dll:
bae.dll task purpose and description: BAE.dll is a DLL module and is also a BHO module (Browser helper program), and it most likely was installed by you on your computer. Always check the file location and folder location which is shown below, as this is a way to verify you have the correct file. Often spyware or virus writers use similiar names in hopes to fool you into thinking its a good file, but they place the spyware in other disk locations with the similiar or same name. This file is a browser redirect file, meaning that when a webpage is not found it will automatically redirect you to a different location. Although this is considered a safe file, I don't like it. Anything that sends me to a different page automatically (whether a page is found or not), is something I always remove. Basically its drawing traffic to an a different site instead of letting me choose to go to a different site myself whenever a page isn't found. This file is considered to be safe, but I would remove it if it were on my computer. This runs in your IE web browser as a BHO. (See the details below for the actual location of this file.) Actual process or task name: (You can view alphabetical task list here) File type: Where is this file and folder located on my computer?