Help - acpi.sys Acpi |
Purpose of acpi.sys:
acpi.sys task purpose and description: ACPI.sys is a program system file that most likely was on your computer when you first purchased it, as system applications or drivers usually arrive pre installed (although remember it is possible that you made hardware changes on your computer, and when you add new hardware you typically install new drivers for that new hardware, so it may also have arrived that way). ACPI.sys most likely appears as a service on your computer, so you won't find it in your system startup list or BHO list, etc. The actual disk folder location is also listed below to help you verify that ACPI.sys is not a virus or spyware module, as often spyware and virus writers place similiar or same named files in other folders, hoping that you think that is the same file. Always verify the folder location to make sure it is the correct file and disk location. This file is from Microsoft and it is part of the Microsoft Windows operating system drivers and associated with the CPU and various internal functions. This ACPI.sys file is considered safe and is not spyware, adware, or virus related. (See the details below for the actual location of this file.) Actual process or task name: (You can view alphabetical task list here) File type: Where is this file and folder located on my computer?