What is video frame rate?


  Asked by Anonymous - What is video frame rate?:
When I save a video it asks me to choose settings like kbps and frame rate.  It looks like these greatly affect the video size from the tests I have done, is there a standard video frame rate I should use?

Anonymous Says:

It will absolutely affect the video size!  In a big way, think of it like this.  A video is really a series of photos quickly displayed to make a moving video.  So a frame rate is how many of those pictures will show in a second.  Now think of a video of a guy running across a field, if the frame rate is 5, the video is much smaller because its only 5, but of course your video will be shaky as those 5 images have alot "in between" each missing.  Its also marked as FPS which means frame per second.  If your frame rate is around 15 the video will look pretty good but not great, if your frame rate is 25 to 35, that will be much smoother.  You will see many videos from back around 2000 where frame rate was 15 and the video is fine but you can tell its an older video because its not quite as smooth, and you will see many videos today with frame rate around 30 and it will look far smoother.  Alot of fast motion will be blurry if using smaller frame rate, so the bottom line is choose which is best for your video where it still looks good but also not making it massive size.  

The kbps basically means how much data is in your video each second. This obviously affects the quality of the video and the size of the video.   The bottom line is you want to use a kbps that gives you good video quality without wasting it by making the video to large where you now cant even tell any difference.  Watching on a little phone screen is way different then a big computer screen, a little phone screen can often be far less quality and still look fine.

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