Ssrs-the Definition Of The Report Is Invalid


  Asked by Anonymous - Ssrs-the Definition Of The Report Is Invalid :
On SSRS report when I attempt to run I am getting an error message that says:

Error pvInvalidDefinition : The definition of the report (name) is invalid.   What would cause this?  I cant even think of any changes made recently that should trigger this error message to appear when I attempt to deploy the report.

Anonymous Says:

I got this same error message recently and I didnt make any changes, I just put some comments in incorrectly on the function call :)

Actually I forgot what the comment syntax for SSRS and confused it with another language was so it gave me this same exact error.  Make sure you didnt do the same thing.

Anonymous Says:
Look for something like a column name  you might have removed from the dataset result set but left it on your ssrs tablix section.  Stuff like that can cause this error.

Anonymous Says:
Or even if you added a tablix but didnt do anything with it like for testing something, that can trigger this.  SSRS can be really picky and it may also depend on which SSRS version you are running at your shop.

Anonymous Says:
Instead of saying "The definition of the report (name) is invalid" why dont they just say syntax error and try to list the ssrs code where they think the syntax error is?  Seems odd to just throw out something so generic as an error message that stops the deployment.

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