Anonymous Says:
Not sure if its the easiest way but I'll tell you how I find this:
1) Its a long folder path name so put in an
NSLOG (@"My folder path location is %@", myDir);
2) Go to your desktop so you aren't in xcode, and at the top click Go, then Go To Folder.
3) Click through the folders listed from your Xcode NSLOG display.
You will find your text file stored there on your Mac and just click to open it whether its a plist file or txt file, etc. It will be a long path name something like Users - (your name) - library - developer - coresimulator - devices - (long string) - data - containers - data - application - (long string) - documents
Why did Apple make it this way? Who knows, maybe they want you to spend an extra hour looking for stuff :-)