List Of Dfhresp Cics Error Codes


  Asked by Anonymous - List Of Dfhresp Cics Error Codes :
Here is a listing of all the Mainframe CICS response code errors returned.

'NORMAL' code returned = D2X(00)

'ERROR' code returned = D2X(01)

'RDATT' code returned = D2X(02)

'WRBRK' code returned = D2X(03)

'EOF' code returned = D2X(04)

'EODS' code returned = D2X(05)

'EOC' code returned = D2X(06)

'INBFMH' code returned = D2X(07)

'ENDINPT' code returned = D2X(08)

'NONVAL' code returned = D2X(09)

'NOSTART' code returned = D2X(10)

'TERMIDERR' code returned = D2X(11)

'FILENOTFOUND' code returned = D2X(12)

'NOTFND' code returned = D2X(13)

'DUPREC' code returned = D2X(14)

'DUPKEY' code returned = D2X(15)

'INVREQ' code returned = D2X(16)

'IOERR' code returned = D2X(17)

'NOSPACE' code returned = D2X(18)

'NOTOPEN' code returned = D2X(19)

'ENDFILE' code returned = D2X(20)

'ILLOGIC' code returned = D2X(21)

'LENGERR' code returned = D2X(22)

'QZERO' code returned = D2X(23)

'SIGNAL' code returned = D2X(24)

'QBUSY' code returned = D2X(25)

'ITEMERR' code returned = D2X(26)

'PGMIDERR' code returned = D2X(27)

'TRANSIDERR' code returned = D2X(28)

'ENDDATA' code returned = D2X(29)

'INVTSREQ' code returned = D2X(30)

'EXPIRED' code returned = D2X(31)

'RETPAGE' code returned = D2X(32)

'RTEFAIL' code returned = D2X(33)

'RTESOME' code returned = D2X(34)

'TSIOERR' code returned = D2X(35)

'MAPFAIL' code returned = D2X(36)

'INVERRTERM' code returned = D2X(37)

'INVMPSZ' code returned = D2X(38)

'IGREQID' code returned = D2X(39)

'OVERFLOW' code returned = D2X(40)

'INVLDC' code returned = D2X(41)

'NOSTG' code returned = D2X(42)

'JIDERR' code returned = D2X(43)

'QIDERR' code returned = D2X(44)

'NOJBUFSP' code returned = D2X(45)

'DSSTAT' code returned = D2X(46)

'SELNERR' code returned = D2X(47)

'FUNCERR' code returned = D2X(48)

'UNEXPIN' code returned = D2X(49)

'NOPASSBKRD' code returned = D2X(50)

'NOPASSBKWR' code returned = D2X(51)

'SYSIDERR' code returned = D2X(53)

'ISCINVREQ' code returned = D2X(54)

'ENQBUSY' code returned = D2X(55)

'ENVDEFERR' code returned = D2X(56)

'IGREQCD' code returned = D2X(57)

'SESSIONERR' code returned = D2X(58)

'SYSBUSY' code returned = D2X(59)

'SESSBUSY' code returned = D2X(60)

'NOTALLOC' code returned = D2X(61)

'CBIDERR' code returned = D2X(62)

'INVEXITREQ' code returned = D2X(63)

'INVPARTNSET' code returned = D2X(64)

'INVPARTN' code returned = D2X(65)

'PARTNFAIL' code returned = D2X(66)

'USERIDERR' code returned = D2X(69)

'NOTAUTH' code returned = D2X(70)

'SUPPRESSED' code returned = D2X(72)

'TERMERR' code returned = D2X(81)

'ROLLEDBACK' code returned = D2X(82)

'DISABLED' code returned = D2X(84)

'OPENERR' code returned = D2X(87)

'LOADING' code returned = D2X(94)

Everything else returns D2X(255)

Anonymous Says:
The number of those cics errors that you will actually encounter most of the time is probably just 4 of those codes at most.  :-)

Anonymous Says:
Do alot of companies still use CICS?

Anonymous Says:
I think alot of financial companies and insurance companies use CICS.

Anonymous Says:
Large companies using mainframe typically have some cics.  The number of cics error codes I have run into probably aren't more then 2  :-)

Anonymous Says:
The most common DFHRESP errors you will hit are mostly those related to files.

DFHRESP 00 - Good
DFHRESP 04 - End of file
DFHRESP 12 - File not found
DFHRESP 19 - File not open
DFHRESP 15 - Duplicate key

Those are the CICS errors I typically see but it really depends what your CICS shop is doing, some may work with queues more and some may work with vsam more etc, so the common errors will depend on what your shop is doing.

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