Yahoo Finance Order Stocks Alphabetically


  Asked by Anonymous - Yahoo Finance Order Stocks Alphabetically:
In the old yahoo finance my stock symbols were always in alphabetical order.

In this new system that they redid its not that way.  How do I get the order correct on these?  I dont want to re-enter all of them in alpha order as thats silly, I can click the columns to reorder stocks alphabetically but I want it to default to that when I open it.

Anonymous Says:
When you go into your list there is a couple ways you can do this.
The way I like to do it is:

Click the column to order it first, if you add some new stock symbols then click after that to get it in proper alpha order because new stocks add to the top of your stock list.  Then once you have it all alphabetical order, click reorder at top, then click save and its always in alphabetical order the next time you come in.

Anonymous Says:
Everytime you add a new stock on yahoo you need do the reorder - save option again to save the stock list.  Sometimes I like to leave a new one at the top but if you want alphabetical order you need to redo that each time.

Anonymous Says:
As of today I found the system automatically sorts the stocks by ticker alphabetically.  There's no way to preserve the original order.  This is actually very inconvenient.  I have a system that sorts by company name which is not the same as sorted by ticker name.  I can no longer match the rows up.

If I wanted the list to be ordered by ticker, I'd enter them in that way.  The system should show the stocks in the order entered in the URL.

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