Phone Number 800-935-9935?


  Asked by Anonymous - Phone Number 800-935-9935? :
I had a voice mail that said it was from 800-935-9935 and they said its credit card related.  On the voice mail they also said call them at 800-955-9060 which is a different phone number then the caller.  Sounds like phishing or scam caller?

Anonymous Says:
I had a call from the same and its the Chase fraud prevention.  Most likely there was some type of fraud on your credit card.  They also sent an email saying click Yes or No for a declined fraud transaction attempt on credit card.  

I just called the number on the back of my credit card to make sure I was calling a real number, thats the safe thing to do so you dont call anything on voicemail etc, but in this case that was real.

Anonymous Says:
800-935-9935 is legit, but as someone else said just call the phone number on the card and they will pass you to the correct department.

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