How Long Does It Normally Take For A/c To Drop Temperature 5 Degrees


  Asked by Anonymous - How Long Does It Normally Take For A/c To Drop Temperature 5 Degrees :
I'm wondering if my a/c (central air, not a/c window installed) is working or if there is a problem, how long would it take your place to cool down 5 degrees?   How long would it take to drop the temp 2 degrees?  It seems like my a/c isnt even doing that.

Thank you

Anonymous Says:
I decided to run a test to drop the temp in my place from 80 to 78.  Keep in mind I had it off, so its usually running a little longer to get going in this case and its hot and humid outside right now (my place is much cooler then outside).

It took about 40 minutes to cool 2 degrees, but the first 20 minutes didnt really do much as expected, then dropped 2 degrees pretty quickly.  Hope this helps.

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