How Do I Turn Off The Iphone Automatic Update Of Latest Version


  Asked by Anonymous - How Do I Turn Off The Iphone Automatic Update Of Latest Version :
Apple automatically downloads the latest version of ios and takes up a few gig of space on my iphone. I will update on my own later on, I dont want this automatic download always occuring. Is there a way to shut this automatic update option off on the iphone?

Anonymous Says:
For the ios latest version download, I dont think you can shut that off as it does it automatically but only when you are connected to wifi and a new version is released.  You can delete it off your phone though in your settings - General - iphone storage.  Select it in there and delete it to free up the space its taking.

Anonymous Says:
Also to stop the automatic update of apps (which I hate, I dont want my iphone constantly checking or downloading anything as I will just do that myself), go to settings icon, then general, then you will see background app refresh.  Turn that off.

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