Can't eat food, after 30 seconds.

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  Asked by EDI - Can't eat food, after 30 seconds.:
When I'm eating, I have to eat fast. After about 30 seconds, my jaw muscles hurt, my tongue seems stiff and tingles, feels like my lymph nodes are attacking me. I have no allergies with food, (it does it with banana, jello, soup, Melon) It started all of a sudden, couple weeks ago.Only medication I take is Ibuprofen for the head aches and stiff neck. After eating, in 10 mins everything normal again.It seems to me, when I put food in my mouth, my body rejects it. Liquids no prob. beer coffee water juice.No cheek swelling, just the muscle pain,tongue tingling. Thanks

Anonymous Says:
That almost sounds to me like its an allergic reaction because its only happening on certain things based on what you said.  You can actually get some simple tests done to see what you are allergic to, probably worth finding out so you know what you avoid if so.

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