How do i get rid of itchy eyes?


  Asked by Anonymous - How do i get rid of itchy eyes?:
I never used to have eyes itching like this, and I dont have any allergys that I know of, does anyone else have this problem where they are always rubbing their eyes because they are itchy?  It seems to me like it started just over a year ago or so, but now its constant and doesnt seem to be going away. Thanks

Anonymous Says:
I went ot eye doctor for this very same reason except mine were also very dry, but I probably made it worse from the rubbing (which actually damages the outer surface of the eyes because you are scraping it to stop the itching!  The eye doctor told me to start washing my eye lids good because that can cause this especially as you get older.  (and he's right I never do that, so now in the shower I always make sure to close my eyes and soap the eye lids good, and I bought some johnson and johnson baby shampoo for lightly rubbing the eye lashes, the dr. recommended that).  I do think it helps, I've been doing it for several months now and my eyes not only itch less but they dont seem as dry anymore either.   The dr. told me that stuff is flaking off into the eye and your eye has to constantly fight it otherwise.

Anonymous Says:
above meaning close your eyes and clean eye lids and eye lashes both, but baby shampoo doesnt irritate eye like regular bar soap.

Anonymous Says:
Blepharitis?  This can cause itchy and dry eyes.  Especially bad if you arent regularly cleaning them.

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