Eating Makes Jaw Swell

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  Posted by Guest - Eating Makes Jaw Swell :
this is the same thing that is happening to me and it happens only when I eat not so much when I drink and was wondering what was happening have been searching on the internet thank you so much for the info.  I have no pain associated with this just a discomfort and pressure around the right ear and it is only happening on the right side of my face.

Guest Says:
I would start drinking alot of water as the page said and just schedule an appointent as that helps put your mind at ease. Just make sure the appt is with an ENT doctor (these are specialists at this, ent stands for ear, nose, and throat doctor). They can do a quick check to see what is blocking the gland and make sure its not infected and stuff like that, so it helps put your mind at ease.

This is also a good page where people are discussing this

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