Do I Need A College Degree For Good Jobs?

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  Posted by Guest - Do I Need A College Degree For Good Jobs? :
Do I really have to go to college and get a college degree? What jobs pay alot of I dont have a degree?  One more thing, does it matter whether I have a 4 year college degree or a 2 year?

Moderator Says:
Most jobs you need a college degree just to get an interview.  Anything math, science, engineering, computers, medical, doctor, etc.

There is a reason for that, you need to prove you can learn and put the time in, most of what you learn in college is a fraction of what you will learn on the job everyday.  You cant replace experience.  Thats why people with 10 years experience make way more then entry level people out of college.  Assume you will be "forever learning" because jobs require you to learn and get better, thats another part of getting through college and maturing.

Yes a 4 year degree is better, many require it. I would actually recommend getting your gen ed courses out of the way at a cheaper college, then transferring to a 4 year state college to do all your major courses (it will be alot harder at the state college, but gen ed doesn't matter that much so get good grades and transfer them in and save money).  Many dont like change, be prepared for change, its part of life.

Guest Says:
If you were to ask me what jobs pay well without a college degree, obviously anything running your own business as long as the business doesn't fail.  I would also say working at Apple stores, I read those jobs are hard to get but if you really know iOS and iphones well etc, you are ahead of everyone else obviously, and if you get to full time employee at Apple stores I heard they have full benefits and pay well.

Anything in the oil and gas industry is probably a good field, thats all over the U.S. now and has blue collar and white collar jobs both.  You probably need to move to TX, ND, etc, but worth it for a good job. Welding, plumbing, electrician are also probably good jobs that you may be able to start your own business in some day.


Moderator Says:
Dont forget that people skills and writing skills are necessary in ALL jobs today.  If your writing is bad, take a course on it because you dont want to look like an idiot sending emails and meeting with others which is a constant in ALL jobs today.  That will keep you on the bottom if you always look stupid because of bad writing skills!

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