What Phone Number Is 877-521-8213?

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  Posted by Guest - What Phone Number Is 877-521-8213? :
Anyone know who is calling from phone number is 877-521-8213?

I keep getting calls from that number, no voice mail left and I dont answer calls from anyone I dont recognize. They have called multiple times.

Guest Says:
I bet you called Walgreens recently.  lol  This is an automated survey call from 877-521-8213 that calls you from walgreens and its part of their walgreens survey.  This type of crap makes me not want to ever go to walgreens again.

Guest Says:

At least on iphone you can just block the number then they are gone :)

Guest Says:
walgreens isnt the only one spamming, many companies do this now with automated dialers or reminder phone calls.  Some reminder phone calls are good though.

Guest Says:
I just had 877-521-8213 show up in my recent call logs. No msg, normally reminder phone calls leave a msg.

Guest Says:
I called a representative at Walgreens Mail Service Pharmacy and received a call from this number within 20 minutes of hanging up. Weird thing is when I answered it was dead air.

Matt Says:
I called the number and it's Walgreens. This is the first time I have ever gotten a call from Walgreens. I always call their customer service satisfaction line

Guest Says:
They may actually have some different automated robo call numbers because I just had 2 of them recently but one may or may not have been them, one was the 877-521-8213 number and I dont answer any number unless they are in my contact list.

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