Delphi Xe - Cant Change Radiobutton Font Color

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  Posted by Guest - Delphi Xe - Cant Change Radiobutton Font Color :
I just upgraded to Delphi XE from Delphi 2007.  The TRadiobutton will NOT change font colors.  All other fonts work meaning I can change the size, bold, underline, but no matter what I do I can't change the font color.

Now to top it off I just noticed the groupbox will not change color either.  How can delphi release a product that won't even work with simple things like this?

Guest Says:
Are you using Windows 7?  This is a known issue not really with delphi but with the windows vista and later (I beleive).  The fix is to turn off the aero interface, I had the same issue.  Right click the desktop and choose personalize on windows 7, then choose windows 7 basic as your theme.  Now open delphi xe and change the font colors and it should work fine

Guest Says:
It works, you think they would at least tell you this, hours of searching is the only way to figure this out.

Marty Says:
Just create a radiobutton without a caption and then put a TLabel right next to it.

Guest Says:
With my delphi xe version this worked, but I had to change from windows 7 basic to windows classic to make this work.  Windows 7 basic did NOT work.

Terry Says:
I tried this fix and successfully changed label colours by switching to Windows 7 Classic theme.

However, I reverted to an Aero theme, set the label TRANSPARENT property to FALSE and found I could change the label background colour successfully without needing to change the windows theme. Hope this helps others.

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