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Main Question - Posted From Guest:
I want to download a bunch of PDS members from teh mainframe but I want to do this via batch FTP using dos FTP. Is this possible? I am getting errors when the dos FTP attmtps to run.
Guest Says:
You can FTP just like any other FTP, it doesn't matter if it is mainframe or windows, everything works the same way. FTP to the mainframe and enter your userid and password (make sure you are inside the firewall, otherwise you can't FTP to a mainframe from home etc, the security won't allow it, mainframes are more secure then windows computers). Then use the mget ftp parmameter to get multiple files all at once. So do: mget mylib.test(*) to get all files from your library named mylib.test. I do this often, works like a charm :)
Guest Says:
It's annoying because I have to confirm every single file transfer with a yes or no confirmation.
Guest Says:
Just type the word "prompt" before your ftp mget command, this will turn off all the ftp prompts where it asks you to confirm it :-)
Guest Says:
Is there any way I can download via .txt extension
Guest Says:
you can ftp any file to a txt extension, if you don't specify a filename it defaults to the sending file name, but you can specificy a name with .txt on the end if you want. Note that it doesn't mean the ftp is converting the file to text data, it needs to be text data on the sending side, its just giving it the txt extension
Guest Says:
I have a follow-up question to this. The object that is then stores on the server has the full name including the host file name. How do I get it to just have the name of the member and not the fully qualified file name. ie. mylib.test(member1), mylib.test(member2) etc. I only want the member names
Guesta Says:
I want to transfer the members of a PDS to a windows server with an option of renaming the members. Please suggest how this could be done.
Guest Says:
I've done a ton of these ftp's, and many to a windows server, but when I did it I didn't try changing the names. *Trying to think if that is possible as I've never tried*
Guest Says:
you should be able to use this for example if you want to ftp a PDS member and add a file extention to the PDS member you are FTP'ing:
Guest Says:
Before say Bye
enter command REN *.* *.txt
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