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Main Question - Posted From Guest:
Has anyone signed up for the free aol service yet? What is the difference between the paid aol and free aol?
Reply From Guest:
I have an aol screen name that I use for both AIM and their portfolio manager buyt I dont use their aol software. Anyone can use the site for these things now, all their news and stock articles are posted there, its very good imo
Reply From Guest:
From what I understand, they charge only for the dialup service ISP. Anyone using broadband with any provider, can simply download and use the aol software to signin, without paying anything as its all free now. From what I read it also includes their email, msgboards, etc.... just like the dialup users have.
Reply From Guest:
Can I use my aim screenname for this?
Reply From Guest:
Hmmmmmmm not sure about the AIM SN for signing in, you might need a new user name for that but I am not sure
Reply From Guest:
They said the aol chatrooms will be available to everyone in Sept, currently many cannot view this yet even with the aol client program installed, assuming you are a free user.
Reply From Guest:
Anyone can access the aol messageboards from any browser, you don't need their client software for that. Go here I go through that to find the boards I'm interested in, then I bookmark them so I can jump right to them directly.
Reply From Guest:
I use mostly their aol email through teh byoa plan and I have comcast (used to be what they called bring your own access). This used to cost 9.95 a month, I mostly just used the email because I like their email service, but have switched over to the free plan. So far I see no differences, looks and acts identical to me.
Reply From Guest:
Aol email is good because you don't get any spam, they have the best spam filter I have seen so far, and their other email features are also good. I wish I could customize my own email response if I'm out though, like outlook can. You have to choose one of their email responses.
Reply From Guest:
Only if you are dialing in does it cost anything. Thats still the same which is 23.95 I believe. They also have a lower cost dial in service now also which doesnt have all thefeatures and if I remember right they said its 9.95. Anyone who has broadband through any provider today outside of AOL, whether its comcast, time warner, southwestern bell, etc., can simply download the aol software and use it free. You just choose the broadband option on their main screen, choose a new AOL screen name, and then you can connect.
Reply From Guest:
Wow this is a post from a time long ago when dialup was in play :) AOL is free now, anyone can download the client software and use the aol email or other client desktop software free. You can also just use free aol webmail by signing up at if you dont want to use the desktop email software. I think now AOL is mostly web properties like the free email and sites like and
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